A selfie of Cormac Kenney taken on a beach. His hair is very messed up from the wind, and he looks generally unkempt but happy.

This is me on a windy day. Webflow rotates this picture on the published site but in the editor it looks fine.

Howdy, I'm Cormac.

I'm a UX designer and researcher based in Greater Boston. Currently, I'm a UX/UI Designer at NESC Staffing.

I studied Human Centered Computing at Rochester Institute of Technology. I was a member of the e-board for the User Experience Club, where I led educational meetings, organized design events, and worked with school faculty to revamp the curriculum of and otherwise improve the Human Centered Computing Program.

I've started developing some small utilities for Figma to ease my design system maintenance work. Check out @kenney on the Figma community to see my plugins!

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